Windows Server 2008 Iis Configuration Pdf To Excel
- Iis Windows Server 2008 R2
- Windows Server 2008 Iis Configuration Pdf To Excel Free
- Install Iis Server 2008 R2
Microsoft, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Windows, Windows XP, Windows Server, Windows Vista, and Visual Basic are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft. How Should Your Server Be Configured? Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) must be installed before installing Logi Info. The.NET 4.x frame.
The ColdFusion server configuration contains an embedded copy of Tomcat and is most similar to earlier versions of ColdFusion. Note: The cfroot directory refers to your installation directory. By default, this directory is C: ColdFusion2016 in Windows, and /opt/ColdFusion 2016 in UNIX. Although the Adobe ColdFusion (2016 release) installer provides an intuitive interface, it helps to plan your answers to the questions asked by the installer. Use the steps below to install the server configuration of Adobe ColdFusion (2016 release). Enter the serial number. Developer edition: This free, fully functional version of ColdFusion is for local host development of applications that will be deployed on either standard or enterprise servers — and that can be simultaneously accessed from only two remote IP addresses.
30-day trial: If you choose this option, you get a fully functional ColdFusion Enterprise edition for a trial period of 30 days. You can add a license key through the ColdFusion Administrator also. Previous Serial Number: Enter the serial number of a previously installed version of ColdFusion. Enter this number along with the serial number for the new ColdFusion installation. Use the previous serial number if you upgrading ColdFusion from a previous version. Enable/disable the servlets to use. Note: this option is valid only for the following profiles:.
Production profile. Production + Secure Profile All JEE web applications have a file in the WEB-INF directory called web.xml this file defines the servlets and servlet mappings for the JEE web application. A servlet mapping defines a URI pattern that a particular servlet responds to. For example, the servlet that handles requests for.cfm files is called the CfmServlet the servlet mapping for that looks like this: CfmServlet.cfm The servlets are also defined in the web.xml ( ColdFusion install dir/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF) file.
The CfmServlet is also defined in web.xml as follows: CfmServlet CFML Template Processor Compiles and executes CFML pages and tags coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet servlet.class coldfusion.CfmServlet 4 You can remove servlet mappings in the web.xml to reduce the surface of attack. You don’t typically want to remove the CfmServlet or the.cfm servlet mapping, but there are other servlets and mappings that you can remove, depending on the situation. For more information on making changes to web.xml, and enabling/disabling servlets, see Pete Freitag's. Access add-on services remotely by allowed certain IP addresses. If you selected PDFg or Solr sub-components (when installing sub-components), the add-on services are installed. When you leave the option Access Add-on Services Remotely unchecked, you can only access the add-on services from localhost.
If you want to access the services from multiple ColdFusion servers and not just the localhost, choose the option Access Add-on Services Remotely, and specify the IP addresses of the remote ColdFusion servers. Read the online version of the Release Notes for any late-breaking information or updates. For more information, see. Ensure that your operating system meets the system requirements described on the Adobe website. Review Installation considerations for Windows and Installation considerations for all platforms (Refer to the ). Determine the answers to the questions in the above table in 'Gathering information necessary to install the server configuration' section.
Iis Windows Server 2008 R2
Close any applications that are currently running on your computer. If you plan to configure an external web server, ensure that the web server is running. Insert the DVD or download the setup file from the Adobe website.
If the installation wizard does not start automatically when you insert the DVD, locate the appropriate installer file on the DVD and double-click it. If you are installing from a network or a downloaded file, locate the ColdFusion installer.
Windows only:. coldfusion2016WWEJwin32.exe/coldfusion2016WWEJwin64.exe and double-click it.MAC only:.Extract the coldfusion2016WWEJosx2016.dmg file and double-click the installer.
Follow the instructions in the installation wizard, and let it run to completion. Click OK to open the ColdFusion Administrator and configure the server.
To install any other integrated Adobe or third-party technologies, see. Configure and manage your system, as described in your System. To learn about ColdFusion, read the documentation, which is accessible through the Documentation link on the Resources page of the ColdFusion Administrator. Read the online version of the Release Notes for any late-breaking information or updates. For more information, see.
Ensure that your operating system meets the system requirements described on the Adobe website. Review Installation considerations for UNIX and Installation considerations for all platforms (Refer to the ). Determine the answers to the questions in the above section 'Gathering information necessary to install the server configuration'. If you plan to configure an external web server, ensure that the web server is running. Log in as root. Copy the installation file that is appropriate for your platform and locale from the DVD or Adobe website, and save it to a directory on your local disk. The following installation files are those for the supported server configuration platforms: Platform File Linux.
ColdFusion2016WWEJlinux32.bin (for 32-bit systems). ColdFusion2016WWEJlinux64.bin (64-bit systems) Solaris ColdFusion2016WWEJsolaris64.bin. Using the cd command, go to the directory that contains the installation file. Ensure that you have executable permission for the installation file.
You can change permissions on the file by using the following command: chmod 777 ColdFusion2016WWEJsolaris64.bin. Start the installation with the following command:./. /cfroot/cfusion/bin/coldfusion start If you specified the use of an external web server when you ran the installer, ColdFusion automatically runs the cfroot/cfusion/bin/ script when it starts the first time. This shell script runs the Web Server Configuration Tool by using the settings that you specified during the installation. If there are problems running this script, review the configuration and bin directory specifications, modify as necessary, and rerun the script. You can also configure your web server by using the scripts in cfroot/cfusion/bin/connectors, as appropriate.
Windows Server 2008 Iis Configuration Pdf To Excel Free
To stop ColdFusion, use the following command: /cfroot/cfusion/bin/coldfusion stop For more information on managing processes, see Managing the ColdFusion process in UNIX. Open ColdFusion Administrator to run the Configuration wizard. Configure and manage your system, as described in. To install any other integrated Adobe or third-party technologies, see.
To learn about ColdFusion, read the documentation, which is accessible through the Documentation link on the Resources page of the ColdFusion Administrator. During the ColdFusion installation, choose a web server. If you select the built-in web server, your web root directory is located in the cfroot/wwwroot directory. By default, the web server runs on port 8500. It means that to display a page in your application, append:8500 to the host name or IP address in the URL; for example, If the page does not appear, ensure that the document is located in the built-in web server's web root directory; for example, C: ColdFusion2016 cfusion wwwroot YourApp1 index.cfm.
After installing ColdFusion in stand-alone mode, create an instance of ColdFusion using the ColdFusion Administrator. In the ColdFusion Administrator, go to Enterprise Manager Instance Manager.
Click Add New Instance. Enter the server name and server directory. (Optional) Check Create Windows Service. Click Submit.
In the Instance Manager, start, stop, restart, delete, access website, or access administrator. Click the Edit icon to edit the instance manager. Edit the internal webserver port and load balancing factor.Load balancing factor represents the load the instance takes up.
Load balancing factor is applicable only if the instance is part of the cluster. For example, the load balancing factor for the first instance is 1 and that of the second instance is 2. The second instance receives two times more requests. Click Submit. Register a new remote instance of ColdFusion using the ColdFusion Administrator.
In the ColdFusion Administrator, click Enterprise Manager Instance Manager Register Remote Instance. Specify the details such as instance name, remote host, remote port, http port, and JVM route. Instance name is a string that is used to identify the instance. Remote port and HTTP port are displayed in the Instance Manager page. These ports are provided in the server.xml file available in the runtime conf folder of the instance. Remote port is the AJP port and the instance port is the connector port.JVM route is the remote instance name. The JVM route is an attribute that acts as an identifier for a particular Tomcat worker. JVM route is provided in the server.xml file available in the runtime conf folder of the instance. For more information on JVM route, see
Open wwwroot CFIDE ServerManager ServerManager.air on the local host. Specify the connection details. Click Start/Stop Details. Select HTTPS. Provide the following information:. App Server Username: User name for the admin component that you specified while installing ColdFusion. Default value is admin.
App Server Password: Password for the admin component. Port: ColdFusion remote instances HTTPS port. Server: ColdFusion remote instance name. ColdFusion Version: For 2016 version of ColdFusion. Admin Server Port: Default https port is 8443. Port of the Jetty server. Context Root: Value is AdminServlet.
Click Apply. You can set up start and stop remote instance functionality in Server Manager.
To enable this feature, install Remote Instance Administrator while installing ColdFusion. Do the following in the remote host:. In the remote host, open the ColdFusioninstallation cfusion jetty etc jetty.xml. Search for the string, Update the host with the IP address of the remote host. Start the jetty server. Go to the ColdFusioninstallation cfusion jetty directory and use jetty.exe.
You can also use the jetty services in the Windows services. Open wwwroot CFIDE ServerManager ServerManager.air on the local host.
Specify the connection details. Click Start / Stop Details. Select HTTP. Provide the following information:. App Server Username: User name for the admin component that you specified while installing ColdFusion. The default value is admin. App Server Password: Password for the admin component.
Port: ColdFusion remote instance's HTTP port. Server: ColdFusion remote instance name. ColdFusion Version: For ColdFusion (2016 release), the value 2016. Admin Server Port: Default https port is 8985. Port of the Jetty server.
Context Root: Value is AdminServlet. Click Apply. In the ColdFusion Administrator, click Enterprise Manager Cluster Manager. Enter a cluster name and then click Add. Click the cluster name and move the servers to the cluster based on the requirement. (If necessary) Edit the multicast port.Multicast port is used to group the cluster members together. Default value of multicast port is 45564.
After you create a cluster, the port is added in the cfroot config cluster.xml file. For more information on multicast port, see.
Specify if you need sticky session.Sticky session ensures that after a session is established on an instance, all future requests from the client are mapped to that instance. Click Submit. SSL allows the browser and the server to communicate over a secured connection. Data that is sent is encrypted at one side, transmitted, and then decrypted at the other end. For more information about SSL configuration on Tomcat, see. To configure SSL for ColdFusion using the keytool utility, do the following:.
Create a certificate file:. Run the following command: cfroot jre bin keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA. Type the details as per the instruction. If you do not provide a password, the default password for keystore and key is changeit. If you don't want to use the default password, ensure that you provide the same password for the keystore and the key. Running this command creates a certificate.keystore in the following location:. Windows: C: Documents and Settingsuser'sdirectory.
Linux: usr/home. Open the cfroot cfusion runtime conf server.xml file and search for the string Define a SSLHTTP/1.1. Uncomment the connector details and update the section as follows.
CfmServlet.cfml/. CfmServlet.cfm/. CFCServlet.cfc/. CfmServlet.CFML/. CfmServlet.Cfml/. CfmServlet.CFM/.
CfmServlet.Cfm/. CFCServlet.CFC/. CFCServlet.Cfc/. You can change the log rotation settings such as maximum number of backup files and the size of the backup files.
Specify log file settings in the neo-logging.xml, located in the lib directory. The size of coldfusion-out.log and coldfusion-error.log is set to 20MB by default. You can change the size of the log in the neo-logging.xml file by changing the maxOutLogSize setting. You can also change the maximum number of backups of coldfusion-out.log and coldfusion-error.log that ColdFusion takes during log rotation within the neo-logging.xml file. Change the maxOutFileBackup setting. You can change the settings of the remaining files in the ColdFusion Administrator by going to the Debugging and Logging Logging Settings section.
Change the Maximum file size and Maximum number of Archives settings accordingly.
In an earlier article I covered how to. This is a really handy technique that also gives you full control over the minutia of the document you are creating. However the catch in using this technique is that you will need to update the configuration of your Web server to allow Web users to trigger Excel on your Web server. This can mean some pretty drastic security changes and possible loopholes in your Web server’s security so you should do a risk analysis before choosing this method.
In this article I will review the Web server security updates that need to be made to allow using the Interop.Excel Namespace to generate Excel documents for your Web site. Please note that since I am developing this site for an Intranet, I am not as concerned with locking down the server.
If you are working with a server that is exposed to the Web then you will want to review these security changes much more thoroughly. Overview What we will need to accomplish is to allow someone browsing our Web site to invoke Excel on the Web server so that the server can create and serve up the document. At a more detailed level, the default ASP.NET worker process will need to be able to invoke the correct COM object on the server. Then, when the object has been invoked, the worker process will have to impersonate a local system User account on the server in order for Excel to allow the file to be created and saved to the Web server. This requires significantly more configuration than a simple Web site setup in IIS, but may be worthwhile due to the extreme control that the Interop.Excel namespace gives you. First Step: Install MS Office The first thing you will need to do is to make sure that MS Office is installed on your Web server. The standard Interop.Excel invocations refer to MS Office components that must be running on the server and from my testing requires a complete installation of MS Office.
In my system setup I was dealing with a Windows 2003 server running IIS6 and pretty much nothing else, so I had to get my hands on MS Office 2007 to install on the server. Installing it went like clockwork so I was quickly on to the next step. Step Two: Add your Web Application to IIS So for the second step I added my Web application to IIS. I won’t go into the details of setting up a site in IIS, but I should mention some of the settings I ended up using.
I left the Execute Permissions option set as Scripts. In directory security I disabled Anonymous access. I enabled Integrated Windows Authentication Step 3: Try running your site Now to check that everything was working I opened up a browser and pointed it to my new site. As expected the site ran quite nicely. However when I tried generating the Excel document I would click the Web page button to do so and I would either see an error on the page, or else the page would just end up doing nothing.
Step 4: Check the Server Event Logs Whichever behaviour you end up seeing, go to your Administrative Tools and check your server’s Event Viewer. Then click to view your System logs. You should see an error with EventId: 10016 for the user account NT AUTHORITY NETWORK SERVICE. This should originate from the source: DCOM.
The details of the error should indicate that there is a permission settings issue for getting local activation to a COM Server application. Step 5: Grant Permission to the Network Service Account Please note that these steps will vary depending on the version of Windows that your server is running. The steps in Windows Server 2003 are quite straightforward, but I believe that in later versions this may be more onerous. Here are the steps I took in Windows Server 2003:. On the Start menu, click Run and then type dcomcnfg and click ok.
the Component Services management tool will appear. expand the Component Services node under Console Root. Then expand the Computers and subsequently the My Computer sub-nodes. Right-click the My Computer node and click Properties. In the Properties popup click the COM Security tab. In the Launch and Activation Permissions section click the Edit Default button.
Under the list of user accounts with launch permissions, you will want to add the default ASP.NET account Network Service. To do so, click the add button. Then type network under the object names to search box and change the location to the local server’s name. Then click the Check Names button. Browse through the list of names until you see Network Service.
Install Iis Server 2008 R2
Select Network Service and click OK. Click the next OK button also and then update the checkbox options for the Network Service account. In my case I set everything to allow, but you may be able to further refine this. Finally click OK to save your changes and then exit the Component Services interface.
Checking the Impact of your Changes At this point if you test your Export to Excel functionality you will not see any errors, but the document will also not generate. If you go to your Server’s Event Viewer and click on Microsoft Office Sessions you will see notifications generated each time you try to generate an Excel document from your Web site. The notifications indicate that your ASP.NET service is activating the COM object it needs, but that it can’t go any further due to permission issues.
This is related to user accounts on the server. Basically the process trying to invoke and save your Excel documents is not running with sufficient permissions on your Web Server to do so. To correct this you will need to create a new user account on your Web server, preferably with minimal permissions so as not to endanger your server too much. Step 6: Setting up your new User Account. Click on your Start menu and then on Administrative Tools and then Computer Management.
In the Computer Management tool expand the System Tools node and then the Local Users and Groups node. Click on the Users folder to view the list of local system users. Right Click on the Users pane and select New User. Add a new user account and password. Make sure you uncheck the User must change password at next logon option.
And set the password to never expire. Finally click the Create button to create your new user. Now click the Groups folder and locate the Guests group in the list of groups. Right Click the Guests group and select the Add to Group option. In the Guests Properties popup window click the Add button to add your new user to this group. Once you have done so click the OK button to save your changes.
At this point you have your new limited access user account to use for generating Excel documents. If your server has been properly configured, then the Guests group will have severely limited access, but it should still be enough to generate and save new documents.
Step 7: Telling ASP.NET to Use as your New Server Account The final step of this process is to tell ASP.NET that it should run as the new local server account that you have set up. Thankfully this is quite simple to do:. Open up your site’s Web.config file. Browse to the system.web identity element in your Web.config. Set impersonate to true and add the user name and password to your new Server account.
So to summarize, change the following identity tag: To this: Final Thoughts At this point you have all of the parts in place to allow your ASP.NET site to instantiate the Excel COM components it needs via a DCOM Web request. Once instantiated, your Web.config file is set up to impersonate a limited permissions user account that it can use to create the necessary Excel file to serve up your Web site’s users.