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Krav Maga Training Focus Country of origin Creator Parenthood, Olympic sport No Krav Maga (;: קְרַב מַגָּע, lit. 'contact-combat') is a military self-defence and fighting system developed for the (IDF) and Israeli security forces ( and ) that derived from a combination of techniques sourced from, along with realistic fight training. Krav Maga is known for its focus on real-world situations and its extreme efficiency It was derived from the experience of Hungarian-Israeli martial artist, who made use of his training as a and as a means of defending the quarter against fascist groups in, in the mid-to-late 1930s. In the late 1940s, following his migration to Israel, he began to provide lessons on combat training to what was to become the IDF. From the outset, the original concept of Krav Maga was to take the most simple and practical techniques of other fighting styles (originally European boxing, wrestling and street fighting) and to make them rapidly teachable to military conscripts. Krav Maga has a philosophy emphasizing aggression, and simultaneous defensive and offensive maneuvers. Krav Maga has been used by the Israel Defense Forces', the security apparatus, and by regular infantry units.
Closely related variations have been developed and adopted by Israeli law enforcement and intelligence organizations. There are several organizations teaching variations of Krav Maga internationally such as the. US Air Force and British Royal Air Force security personnel during Krav Maga training. Like most martial arts, Krav Maga encourages students to avoid physical confrontation.
If this is impossible or unsafe, it promotes finishing a fight as quickly and aggressively as possible. Attacks are aimed at the most vulnerable parts of the body, and training is not limited to techniques that avoid severe injury; some even permanently injure or cause death to the opponent.
Students learn to defend against all variety of attacks and are taught to counter in the quickest and most efficient way. Ideas in Krav Maga include:. Simultaneous attack and defense. Developing physical aggression (not to be confused with emotional aggression or anger), with the view that physical aggression is the most important component in a fight. Continuing to strike the opponent until they are completely incapacitated.
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Attacking preemptively or counterattacking as soon as possible. Using any objects at hand that could be used to hit an opponent. Targeting attacks to the body's most vulnerable points, such as: the, or, etc. Using simple and easily repeatable strikes. Maintaining awareness of surroundings while dealing with the threat in order to look for escape routes, further attackers, objects that could be used to strike an opponent. Recognizing the importance of and expanding on instinctive response under stress Training can also cover the study and development of to develop an understanding of one's surroundings, learning to understand the psychology of a street confrontation, and identifying potential threats before an attack occurs. It may also cover ways to deal with physical and verbal methods to avoid violence whenever possible.
It also teaches mental toughness, using controlled scenarios to strengthen mental fortitude in order for students to control the impulse and not do something rash, but instead attack only when it necessary and as a last resort. Techniques Krav Maga is a continuously evolving system (reflecting real-world experience) and so it is not clear cut to specify a universal curriculum, as may be the case for example within some eastern martial arts. However, of the major Krav Maga organizations worldwide, techniques are largely similar. Adopted techniques Some of the key focuses of techniques in Krav Maga are—as described above—effectiveness and instinctive response under stress.
To that end, Krav Maga is an eclectic system that has not sought to replace existing effective techniques, taking what is useful from available systems, for example:. Strikes - as per karate, and boxing,. Take-downs and throws - per judo, aikido, and wrestling. Ground work - per judo and wrestling Techniques taken from such systems have in some cases been modified to reflect the fact that their genesis is in a sport with rules, which limits effectiveness in real fight situations.
Beyond this, Krav Maga has developed several supplementary techniques, as necessary. Examples of techniques that were developed within the system include Escapes from chokes and holds:. As alluded to above, often systems that employ holds, chokes, take-downs, etc. Are competitive sports and do not allow strikes. Krav Maga thus supplements escapes taken from these systems with strikes including foot stomps, groin strikes, headbutts, etc. Empty-hand weapon defences (based on the premise that the individual who is attacked in e.g. A mugging situation, is most likely to be unarmed), including:.
Defence against an attacker wielding a knife. Defence against an attacker wielding a stick/bat. Pistol disarm As there is no universal authority on the system, students may find that different schools advocate different approaches. Krav Maga lesson at a paratrooper school in Israel, 1955 (also known as Imi Sde-Or) was born in 1910 in, and grew up in. Lichtenfeld became active in a wide range of sports, including gymnastics, wrestling, and boxing. In 1928, Lichtenfeld won the Slovak Youth Wrestling Championship, and in 1929 the adult championship (light and middle weight divisions).
That same year, he also won the national boxing championship and an international gymnastics championship. During the ensuing decade, Imi's athletic activities focused mainly on wrestling, both as a contestant and a trainer.
In the mid-1930s, anti-Semitic riots began to threaten the Jews of Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Lichtenfeld became the leader of a group of Jewish boxers and wrestlers who took to the streets to defend Jewish neighborhoods against the growing numbers of national socialist party and anti-Semitic thugs. Lichtenfeld quickly discovered, however, that actual fighting was very different from competition fighting, and although boxing and wrestling were good sports, they were not always practical for the aggressive and brutal nature of street combat. It was then that he started to re-evaluate his ideas about fighting and started developing the skills and techniques that would eventually become Krav Maga.
Having become a thorn in the side of the equally anti-Semitic local authorities, in 1940 Lichtenfeld left his home with his family and friends on the last refugee ship to escape Europe. After making his way to, Lichtenfeld joined the paramilitary organization to protect Jewish refugees from Arabs. In 1944 Lichtenfeld began training fighters in his areas of expertise: physical fitness, swimming, wrestling, use of the knife, and defence against knife attacks. During this period, Lichtenfeld trained several elite units of the Haganah including (striking force of the Haganah and forerunner of the special units of the Israel Defense Forces) and the Pal-Yam, as well as groups of police officers. In 1948, when the State of Israel was founded and the IDF was formed, Lichtenfeld became Chief Instructor for Physical Fitness and Krav Maga at the IDF School of Combat Fitness. He served in the IDF for about 20 years, during which time he developed and refined his unique method for self-defense and hand-to-hand combat.
Self-defense was not a new concept, since nearly all martial arts had developed some form of defensive techniques in their quest for tournament or sport dominance. However, self-defense was based strictly upon the scientific and dynamic principles of the human body.
In 1965 judo training was added as part of the Krav Maga training, and until 1968 there were no grades in Krav Maga. Then a trainee's grades were determined largely by his knowledge in judo.
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In 1968 Eli Avikzar, Imi's principal student and first black belt, began learning aikido and in 1971 left for France where he received a brown belt in aikido. Upon his return, Eli started working as an instructor alongside Imi where they worked together to improve Krav Maga by incorporating aikido and counter defenses into Krav Maga. Then in 1974 Imi retired and handed Eli Avikzar the Krav Maga training center in Netanya.
Shortly after, in 1976, Eli joined the permanent force of IDF, as head of the Krav Maga section. The role of Krav Maga in the army advanced greatly after Eli's appointment. More courses were given and every P.E. Instructor was obliged to learn Krav Maga.
Eli continued to develop Krav Maga within the IDF until his retirement in 1987. Up to this date, Eli had trained 80,000 male soldiers and 12,000 female soldiers. US Air Force Security forces members during Krav Maga training. Further pursuing excellence as a student of martial arts, Eli went to Germany in 1977 and received a black belt in aikido from the European Federation. Then in 1978 the Krav Maga association was established, and in 1989, as an active member of the judo association, Eli Avikzar helped to establish the professional and rank committees by founding the Israeli Krav Maga Association (IKMA or KAMI).
Eli retired as the Chief Krav Maga instructor in 1987 and Boaz Aviram became the third person to hold the position, being the last head instructor to have studied directly with both Lichtenfeld and Avikzar. Krav Maga in the Israeli government The IDF Krav Maga instructor course is five weeks long. Competition in the Israeli government The IDF has had an annual Krav Maga competition since May 2013. Krav Maga for civilians.
Krav Maga Grand Master and Yaron Lichtenstein Upon Lichtenfeld's retirement from the, he decided to open a school and teach Krav Maga to civilians. The first Krav Maga course took place at the, in 1971, under the direct supervision of. Some of the first students to receive a black belt in Lichtenfeld's civilian Krav Maga Association of 1st Dan, were: Haim Gidon, James Rubenis (UK), Eli Avikzar, Ami Niv Krav Maga Aiki, Richard Douieb, Raphy Elgrissy, Meni Ganis, Haim Zut, Shmuel Kurzviel, Haim Hakani, Shlomo Avisira, Vicktor Bracha, Yaron Lichtenstein, Avner Hazan and Miki Asulin.
In 1978, Lichtenfeld founded the non-profit Israeli Krav Maga Association (IKMA) with several senior instructors. Upon his retirement Imi nominated Haim Gidon as his successor to be Grand Master and the president of the IKMA. Lichtenfeld died in January 1998 in,. When Krav Maga started to spread beyond the borders of Israel, there arose a need to found an international civilian organization. A few of Lichtenfeld's first- and second-generation students, among these being Arviat Zagal, Asaf Halevi, and Dan Levy, eventually formed a new, civilian, international Krav Maga federation.
Marines practicing Krav Maga In some organizations like Krav Maga Global (KMG), sparring is slow and light until the student reaches G2 level. This takes approximately four to six years, because rising one level in the Practitioner and Graduate categories takes at minimum half a year of consistent training. (It is, however, more common to observe regular trainees grading only once a year from P3 and up.) Once in G2, students also do simulated 'real' fighting with protective gear. Some organizations encourage sparring as soon as students start training. For example, the International Kapap Association starts from beginner levels, and will train full contact with minimal gear in both stand-up and ground fighting, using semi-professional rules for safety. Sparring should always be supervised and monitored carefully by a qualified instructor. Competition for civilians Some Krav Maga organizations do not support a competition component, taking the stance that Krav Maga is not a sport.
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So-called 'fighting' sports tend to operate under principles of using safe techniques, doing minimal harm, and consequently wearing down opponents and using other tactics supported by the 'rules' of safe competition. In its role as self-defence and as a hand-to-hand combat system, Krav Maga operates under a completely different set of principles in which techniques may indeed cause significant damage and fights are to be ended as quickly as possible when the conflict cannot be avoided.
Krav Maga organizations that involve competition are usually founded and named specifically to focus on using Krav Maga-based techniques specifically under a set of sporting principles. References.