Personal Numerologist Software

What is Numerology? Numerology is the universal language of numbers. By breaking down the patterns of the universe into numbers, we are able to uncover information about the world as a whole, as well as every individual. What kind of answers can Numerology give me?
Created by Matthew Oliver Goodwin, a world renown numerologist and author of the highly respected two volume, “Numerology: The Complete Guide”. Software uses an integrated approach similar to what a professional numerologist does in a personal reading, resulting in reports of such high quality that your family and.
Numerologist Reviews
Numerology is a self-help tool that can reveal much about your personal character and your life as a whole. In many ways, Numerology can both predict and not predict your future. While your Numerology cycles indicate the opportunities and challenges, joys and pains that will arise throughout different periods of your life, the way you choose to handle these occurrences at any given moment is still up to you.
So is Numerology all about math? Numerology is the science of numbers, but it only involves simple mathematics. It's more about the personalities of each number, and how each numbers traits alter the flavor of your life depending on where they appear in your personal Numerology - if they appear at all. Is Numerology based solely on my date of birth? Your personal Numerology chart is primarily based on two things: your date of birth and the name you were given at birth, but also takes into account the name you use today.
Some numbers and cycles in your Numerology chart are derived from your birth date while others come from the letters of your birth name. According to Numerology, the name you were first given is the perfect name for you - the name you were truly meant to have. What does my name have to do with Numerology? Much of your Numerology is based on your name - your birth name plays a key role in your personal Numerology chart, but the name you use today affects the persona you're giving off to the world. Should you change your name after marriage or divorce?
Is the spelling of your name affecting your fortune in life? Numerology holds the answers. What's my Life Path number? Your Life Path number is the most important number in your entire Numerology chart! Based on your unique birth date, your Life Path number will be with you throughout your whole life.
What's the difference between a Life Path, Expression, Heart's Desire number, etc.? Your personal Numerology chart is full of numbers that influence all the facets of your personality and phases of your life. While your Life Path, Expression, Heart's Desire and other numbers combine to make up the complete picture of you, each individual number represents a different, specific part of you and your life.
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Numerologist Free Reading
Can Numerology determine romantic compatibility? Your personal Life Path number reveals the style of your life, thoughts, communication patterns and more.
When comparing and contrasting the styles of each Life Path number, some numbers work together quite well - while others should be avoided. What does it mean when I see the same number everywhere I look? Numbers that recur and repeat in life are Numerology's way of directing you toward information you may be missing or lessons you've yet to learn. What's in store for me? The numbers at play during any Universal or Personal cycle can suggest what may be in store for you and the rest of the world during any given month, year or phase of your life. Who is Hans Decoz?
Personal Numerologist Software
Hans Decoz is the master Numerologist behind He has devoted decades to practicing this ancient science of numbers, compiling his work into an educational and insightful book, Numerology: Key to Your Inner Self.