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Gabriel Knight 2 Dosbox Dvd Installer

Gabriel Knight 2 Dosbox Dvd Installer Average ratng: 4,1/5 6952 reviews

The GoG releases may be missing crucial install or executable files which are necessary to get the game running on a PC or to change the settings to match the hardware on the retro machine. Gabriel Knight 2: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers: Gobliiins 1,2 & Goblins Quest 3#. Digital Sales of DOS Games; PC Keyboards I Have Known.

I just finished GK3 and wanted to pass along a couple of tweaks needed to get it going on Win XP. Fortunately I saved the info from a battle with XP a couple of years ago. I must say it took hours of searching forums to resolve these issues. So I will post these two solutions just in case somebody needs help to resolve them. Most likely many of you know this already. But it was not long ago when I would have chucked the whole operation when I encountered the first issue below and missed out on an incredible game. Unrecognized Fatal Exception Error You may get this one after install when you try to start the game.


You get the warning and the game will not start. Compatibility mode does nothing for you.

The demon is a video codex file that tries to initiate upon startup and causes the failure. The cure is rather simple. The file is located on your hard drive and its path is, C: windows system32 You simply change its name. Left click on the file, select rename. Keep it simple change the.AX to.Old Your file name should now read MPEG2DMX.old The game should start without any problem. Remember when you uninstall GK3 to go back and undo your name change. I had no issues with any program functions while the file was rendered unusable.

Not sure what programs are dependent on this old codex but I did not come across any need for it. To be safe change it back when done. Flickering Screen I searched for quite awhile for info on this pain in the neck. Found many people had the problem but no one had an answer. Well I actually figured it out myself, scary.

Right click on any part of the game screen and a functions box pops up. Icons are there for several things including inventory and so on.

Select Configuration options then Advanced Options then Graphics options You will see a box named 3D Driver it is set by default to Primary Display Driver click on the tab and change the setting to Software Renderer That eleminates the flickering screen. Also while in graphics section you can slide the Gamma control to the right to brighten your screen. Mine was defaulted to a rather dark rendering. A few things I could not quite resolve were, Sometimes the game would freeze to a black screen when you use either the windows key or alt-tab. Not always just sometimes. Save before utilizing either of those actions.

Gabriel Knight 2 Dosbox Dvd Installer

The only way out is alt-tab-delete to restart and having to revert to the previous save. Also this effect occurs infrequently when you quit the game.

This only happened to me when having CD #3 in the drive. Not sure what the cure for this is. These tweaks resolved the issues on my system and require no technical knowhow to do. Hope this is useful for someone having trouble. Oldmariner, your information about GK3 is interesting but I wonder what percentage of WinXP users need to do any of these tweaks. I expect that any new hardware won't need the tweaks but systems that existed when this game was new could have been overloaded. On my WinXP Home SP2 system, I just installed the game without doing anything other than clicking on the Setup program (CD auto-run is turned off).

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The options within the game were used to obtain 1024x768 resolution and all other video and audio options were set to maximum. The game ran perfectly with none of the problems you've mentioned. Can't say anything about disk3 problems as I've just started to replay the game.

Also I'm using virtual CDs so everything is running from my hard drive. I don't know the answer to that question. My system is only a year old. Dual core top of the range Intel processor. Don't remember the number 6700 I think. It is an xps 410 with 7900gs Nvida card.

So not ultra new and closer to the higher end than a low end entry level machine. Again it is machine specific, perhaps you don't have that mpeg codex on your machine. Perhaps the flickering was a reaction to my Video card.

Whatever, the default settings when I installed it the same way you did were all set toward the low end. Perhaps it is the version of the game. I have the Sierra Best Seller Series which was a reissue not dated. I speculate these issues are likely to vary machine to machine. These are just suggestions if someone has these conflicts. I am glad you did not have difficulty with your install.

I certainly cannot explain beyond speculation. Certainly it comes down to how each machine reacts but from reading forums I discovered there are many who confronted these problems.

ScummVM:: Forums:: View topic - Gabriel Knight 2 - English subtitles patch -Buy Supported Games: - Gabriel Knight 2 - English subtitles patch Goto page 1, Gabriel Knight 2 - English subtitles patch Author Thread laffer Joined: 23 May 2006 Posts: 41 Gabriel Knight 2 - English subtitles patch Have you ever been annoyed at the lack of subtitles in GK2? I just finished writing English subtitles for the game, and using a patch by a very cool guy called kelmer, I could implement them in the game. All I had to do was replace the Spanish subtitles in kelmers patch with English subtitles. It was still quite a bit of work though - I had to extract all the messages from the game (they are in there, just not displayed) and copy and paste them all into these message files in the patch.

Also - the game does not contain any subtitles for videos, so I had to write all of those from scratch by playing the game and writing down everything they say. Had I known just how much is said in videos, I would probably never have bothered:p Anyway, there are two GIGANTIC drawbacks -.

speech while viewing inventory items is disabled (yes, even when reading letters you might have in your inventory). It was like this in the patch I use for this, and I have no idea how to fix it. It would be really cool if someone could find a way to correct this!.

only works with the Windows version. Again, if anyone can fix this, it would be awesome! Another minor drawback is that the game does not change subtitles very often, resulting in sometimes displaying big boxes of text, like this - It's very rarely that bad, though. Also, keep in mind that I wrote down every line from every video - meaning that there.will.

be errors here and there in the text. I know the German text has a lot of errors, I don't know German. If you play the game using this patch, please write down any error you see (both what it says and what should be said), so I can correct it. Oh, and after you install it, you might have to edit the config file (RESOURCE.WIN) to specify your CD drive letter. It's at the very bottom of the file. Finally, a few lines are still in Spanish (only unimportant stuff like the 'Change disc' screens). NEW, UPDATED LINK!

Fixed a few broken lines and such - Download it, run SETUP.EXE and specify your GK2 folder (and overwrite the files). Here is what it looks like in action - Last edited by laffer on Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:11 pm; edited 1 time in total. Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:07 pm Pogo Joined: 21 Oct 2006 Posts: 14 Wow, that is some awesome work! I'll have to dig out my old GK2 cd's and give it a try. I'm sure this will help many non-native english speakers, myself included as you really need to pay attention not to miss anything with no subs. I don't think i will mind the big chunks of text at all actually, but the lack of audio for the letters is a big disadvantage and i hope someone will manage to find a way to fix it.

Also, looking at your screenshot i thought this would be a good place to link to the GK2 installer availible at Using this gives you the option to remove the incredibly annoying video interlacing, making the game look a LOT better. It also gives you the ability to install the full game to your hd, elliminating the constant disc-swapping. Anyway, thanks a lot for your work!

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GK2 is one of my favourite games ever and it's great to see people still remembers it and even decides to do cool stuff like this! Sun May 03, 2009 9:00 pm Freddo Joined: 31 Oct 2005 Posts: 281 Awesome to see it working with the DOS version of the game! Time to install it in DOSBox and try it out then! EDIT: Didn't get it to work, got an error message Can not find 999.pal resource. If this is a CD-ROM game please make sure that a CD-ROM is loaded.

If you continue to experience this dialog make sure your CD-ROM drivers are loaded properly. The weird thing is that it worked fine first when installed the game in DOSBox, but after I installed the subtitle patch I got that error. Can't find any 999.pal on any of the CDs either. EDIT2: Got it to start at least when I did the large install instead of the small one. But it didn't show any subtitles for me and when I looked at an item in the inventory, the game crashed and gave me another error. Error 99: Error loading resource 2000.msg.

Restype.cpp(72) Script ) No idea why it happens, 2000.msg is located in the GK2DOS folder. Sun May 03, 2009 11:46 pm Collector Joined: 30 Oct 2005 Posts: 532 Try installing the game with this new installer: using your original CDs. If you don't want to keep the entire game on your harddrive, just run 'GK2 DVD Prep Wizard.exe' in the installed folder and burn the resulting contents of the folder (complete with working AutoRun and new installer) to DVD. You can then install the game from the DVD with a minimal install (DVD required for the resources) or full install for CD/DVD-less play. The subtitle patch can then be applied.