Fleetwood Terry Travel Trailer Owners Manual
Reading 2016 fleetwood terry travel trailer owners manual is useful because we can easily get information from your reading materials technologies have developed and reading 2016 fleetwood terry travel trailer owners manual books might be easier and Page 3. 25556 simpler at.oxfordrefugeecampaign.org, Document spinoza past. Need to know where to get an owner’s manual for a 98’ Fleetwood travel trailer? Find out here. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Need a owners manual for a 2004 Fleetwood/Terry 33 foot travel.
I might purchase a 2002 Terry M-27H that seems to be a good deal. The problem is, I'm having a very difficult time finding basic information such as actual dimensions, GCVW, hitch weight, etc. Apparently, Fleetwood stopped making these in 2009 during the recession.
Fleetwood Trailer Owners Manual
It took awhile to figure this out because they no longer offer any sort of support (no manuals or anything) and their website has been completely stripped of information concerning these older trailers. While I understand them getting out of the business, I think it's kind of crappy to just abandon existing owners like that. Does anybody here have any experience with Fleetwood travel trailers? Did they abandon the line because their trailers had problems? More importantly, any ideas on where I can find some basic information about these trailers? I'd prefer to do my own research before approaching the seller.
We actually have all of the manuals that came with our 2001 Fleetwood fifth wheel from the factory, and none of that info is in them. Most of the Fleetwood specific info is in a 3 ring binder, and is very generic (covering most of the fifth wheels that they manufactured at that time). The rest is just the original manufacturers manuals for all of the appliances / systems (axles, awning, microwave, hot water heater, fridge, etc.) dumped together in a plastic folder. There is a sticker inside of a kitchen cabinet that has the fresh water capacity, and weights (I never found any data on the waste tank capacities or height). We have a 1983 16' Terry Taurus travel trailer and we love it!
I would recommend Fleetwood travel trailers to anyone! We haven't had any issues with the trailer aside from a roof leak in Florida, but that was probably caused by the change in humidity (we're from Virginia.) A can of sealant from Walmart and it's all fixed! No water damage or mold.

As far as I know, Fleetwood abandoned the trailers/5th wheels because motorhomes are more popular/more profitable. Is the NADA guide for 2002 Terry lines. Scroll down and you'll see the model you're looking!
1998 Fleetwood Terry Travel Trailer

What kind of information are you looking for? I'll try to answer any questions you might have.