Kaizen Vehicle Manager Keygen For Mac

A disciplined approach to service and maintenance is critical to keep your vehicle or equipment in top condition and maintain it's resale value. Maintain your vehicle log book on your computer and get reminders when service is due with Vehicle Manager. Track your vehicle's fuel efficiency. When you fill up your tank, keep your receipt and then enter the usage data into Vehicle Manager. Your fuel efficiency will be calculated, and you can identify long term trends to help spot problems before unplanned critical service becomes due.
Training Manager Kaizen

Nov 30, 2009 Vehicle Manager Fleet Edition from Kaizen Software Solutions is a professional-quality vehicle inventory and maintenance database.
Track your vehicle's service schedules and service history. With Vehicle Manager you can create a unique service schedule for each vehicle you own. Vehicle Manager reminds you as the service due date comes near.
Easily track the service status for all of your vehicles and equipment with simple red, yellow, green status indicators. When the service has been finished, just mark the item as complete to automatically add it to your vehicle's service history. Track your vehicle's drivers, parts, vendors, and contacts.
When replacing parts on your vehicles, add the parts, vendors, and contacts to your Vehicle Manager database. If the part needs to be replaced again, you'll have all the information you need right at your fingertips.
Track up to 10 (home edition), 50 (professional edition) or an unlimited number of vehicles. Schedule recurring maintenance and inspection items by miles, kilometers, or hours.
Track your vehicle's completed service and expenses. Track your vehicle's fuel efficiency over time (miles/gallon, kilometers/liter). Maintain a database of the parts used on your vehicles.
Track related vendors and contacts. Set options to track in US or Metric units. Print reports and export to various formats. Track and report on business vs. Personal miles. Track drivers and their licenses/certifications/accidents (Pro and Fleet versions only).